Become a Social Investor!
General Donations
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Border Community Alliance depends on your donations to fulfill its mission of bridging the border, bolstering international community projects and advocating for public education.
If you’d like to wire funds or make a stock donation, please call Celia Bavier (520)917-1886
BCA Tax ID Number - EIN: 61-1726630
General (undesignated) contributions to BCA are particularly helpful, since these dollars support essential operating expenses. You will automatically be considered a member of BCA if your general (undesignated) donation meets or exceeds the minimum amount ($25 for students; $50 for individuals; $75 for families).
Designated Donations
Designated donations are also very much welcome for supporting specific projects such as the BCA Internship Program or the BCA/FESAC network of social investment projects (NGOs) in Mexico like ARSOBO. You can designate your gift when you donate online by selecting the NGO in the Mexico Pass-Through field on the donation form. Alternatively, please utilize the “Donor Note” field to designate where you would like your donation to go.
When you send a check made out to Border Community Alliance, please indicate which NGO you desire to support in the memo line. Donating to Mexican NGOs (FESAC-vetted) via BCA’s Mexico Pass-Through is a way you can make a direct difference to borderlands civil society projects. You can donate to any specific NGO described here below or to our Mexican community foundation partner FESAC directly to support all programming.
All donations (but not Cross Border Tour Fees) are considered tax-deductible according to the IRS guidelines. Please give generously with the confidence that your gift will be well-used.
Donations via direct mail may be sent to:
Nonprofit Border Community Alliance
P.O. Box 1863
Tubac, AZ 85646
For additional questions:
BCA Tax ID Number - EIN: 61-1726630
Donor Education Resources
Mexican Pass-Through Program:
Social Investment Network Projects
Below is a list of NGOs in Sonora that have been verified by BCA’s Mexican Community Foundation Partner, FESAC
Albergue para Migrantes
San Juan Bosco
San Juan Bosco is a Nogales, Sonora based migrant shelter that has been family run for close to four decades and which offers temporary housing, meals, religious services and access to further social resources to deported migrants as well as people who are about to journey into the US.
Read a Social Investment Profile on San Juan Bosco Shelter director Gilda Irene Esquer Felix here.
ARSOBO Project
A revolutionary organization in the region, Arsobo is redefining what it means to be “disabled” in Nogales, Sonora. ARSOBO’s mission is assisting in alleviating the physical, psychological, and economic barriers faced by individuals with disabilities by providing appropriate, adaptive-technology, low-cost, assisted devices that improve access and participation in their communities.”
ARSOBO is a NGO registered in Mexico and a direct result of the first BORDER CONFERENCE ON DISABILITIES held in Nogales, Sonora, 2008 and sponsored by the Sonoran UCEDD (University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities) at the University of Arizona and DIF (Desarrollo Integral de la Familia) held in Nogales, Sonora, 2008.
Learn more here and here. Read a Social Investment Profile on one of ARSOBO’s Founders here.
ATIC: Agencia para el Tratamiento Integral de la Conducta
ATIC (Agency for the Integral Treatment of Behavior) is a young and innovative civil association focused on training parents for the behavioral management of their children. Their mission is to provide services with comprehensive treatment for the development of different skills in children with behavioral challenges including autism.
Read a Social Investment Profile on ATIC’s founder here and learn more on their website here.
DEIJUVEN Community Center
DEIJUVEN Community Center offers an array of services in one of the city’s most impoverished areas where the youth of Nogales can come to learn and play.
Learn more here.
Taller de costura, Centro Comunitario Guadalupano (Women’s self-employment Sewing Workshop)
Read a Social Investment Profile on Taller de Costura, Centro Comunitario Guadalupano’s teacher Lorenia Zamora here.
BCA Endowment
Bridging the Border — Fostering Community
The mission of the BCA Endowment is to provide an ongoing source of funding for social investments that promote learning, communication, and mutual respect of both cultures within the bi-national community of the Santa Cruz River Valley.
Grants funded by the endowment will focus on projects designed to achieve quantifiable social outcomes consistent with the values of BCA and which cannot adequately be supported using normal BCA operational funding sources.
Examples of programs supported by the endowment include:
Investment in capital equipment and durable supplies for borderlands non-profits that would be otherwise difficult to finance through normal operating revenue.
Funding of scholarships, internships, research grants, and honoraria for individuals involved in learning about and communicating key border issues of interest to BCA.
Funding to assist the start-up of new non-profits and to assist in increasing the functional capacity of existing non-profits.
Endowment FAQs
What is the Endowment?
The BCA Endowment is a designated fund established under the auspices of the Arizona Community Foundation (ACF), a tax-exempt corporation organized under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
How is the Endowment Managed?
Financial management of the Endowment is provided by ACF for a small 5% annual fee derived only from the investment income of the Endowment. Disbursements from the Endowment are managed by the Board of Directors of BCA.
Why Was the Endowment Formed?
The Endowment was formed to receive gifts and grants of money and/or property and to manage such assets as directed by the donor, subject to any limitations prescribed by law. The Endowment provides the donor a way to preserve his or her gift so it can keep on giving.
Why should I Include the Endowment in My Will?
Because your will says a lot about your values. What you do through your will makes a powerful statement about the people and causes important to you. A bequest to the Endowment is an excellent way to demonstrate your support of the greater bi-national community within the Santa Cruz River Valley. You will is one of the most flexible ways to put your values and wishes into action.
How Can Gifts be Made?
Outright Gift
These can include cash, stocks, bonds, and other property acceptable to the Endowment.
Real Estate
A gift of a personal residence or land may be made to the Endowment as part of the ACF now, while you continue to live there, or through your will at death.
Gift Annuity
You may transfer property (cash, securities, etc.) to the Endowment as part of the ACF while retaining the right to receive income while alive. After death, the remaining property will go to the Endowment. There are tax advantages with this type of annuity. Contact your tax advisor for details.
Partial Gifts
A portion of larger gifts made to the ACF may be directed specifically to the Endowment.
Retirement Funds
The Endowment as part of the ACF may be named as a contingent beneficiary of retirement accounts to succeed other family members.
Life Insurance
The Endowment as part of the ACF can be named as owner, beneficiary, or partial beneficiary. It also can be a contingent beneficiary to receive the proceeds of family members who do not survive the insured.
Memorials and Honoria
Gifts also are accepted in memory of a loved one who has passed or in honor of a family member or other individual you wish to acknowledge.
*Neither this website nor the BCA Board or its members attempt to provide any legal or tax advice.